What is a dae file and how do I open a dae file?
DAE is a 3D interchange file format used for exchanging digital assets between multiple graphics programs. It is based on the COLLADA XML schema, which is now owned and developed by The Khronos Group. The Khronos Group, originally founded in January 2000 by a group of leading media-focused companies, including 3Dlabs, ATI, Discreet, Evans & Sutherland, Intel, NVIDIA, SGI and Sun Microsystems, dedicated to creating open standard APIs in order to enable the authoring and playback of rich media on a wide variety of devices and platforms. COLLADA explains an open standard XML schema for exchanging digital assets among various graphics software applications that might otherwise store their assets in incompatible file formats. COLLADA documents that describe digital assets are XML files, usually identified with a .dae.
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Relevant dae file links:
How to open dae file on YoutubeHow to open dae file on Wikipedia
How to open dae file on Microsoft.com