What is a dat file and how do I open a dat file?
Files in the DAT format are appended with the .dat extension and can be authored, opened and edited using the associated Microsoft Windows application or the Mac software which was used to create the DAT file. These DAT files are generic data files that can also be opened using any Microsoft Windows text editing application or any text editor developed for Mac platforms. These DAT files can be encoded in plain text format, while some DAT files are implemented with binary encoding specifications. Users of Microsoft Windows-based systems can use the Microsoft Notepad text editor to open a DAT file, while Mac users can use any Apple text editor to do this, though it is advisable to determine the specific software that was developed to create or open and view the content stored in a DAT file. For instance, some VCDs contain DAT files that can be opened and viewed using Microsoft Windows Media Player, and when you open these DAT files with Microsoft Notepad, binary codes are displayed and not the video content stored in the DAT file.
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Detail dat file extension information:
File Format: Data File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/octet-stream, audio/psid, audio/sidtune, audio/x-psid, audio/x-sidtune, video/dvd, video/mpeg, video/video cd, zz-application/zz-winassoc-dat
Relevant dat file links:
How to open dat file on YoutubeHow to open dat file on Wikipedia
How to open dat file on Microsoft.com