What is a dir file and how do I open a dir file?
Digital motion graphics, animated sequences and movie projects authored with the Macromedia Director software are also known as Adobe Director movie files, and these are digital video files stored in the DIR format. In 2005, Adobe Systems purchased Macromedia, so version 11.5 and later of the Adobe Director software now use the DIR file format, and files affixed with the .dir extension can only be created and opened or edited using the Adobe Director 11.5 software and later versions of this application. The content of these DIR files may include URLs of files stored in external storage devices which need to be referenced by the Adobe Director 11.5++ software when a user accesses associated functionalities implemented into this program when viewing the corresponding DIR files. Scripting code and project resources may also be included as the content of these DIR files by its creators. Timeline configurations and settings are also entered in these DIR movie files, since these define video playback. The Adobe Shockwave Player software can also be used to open and view the digital animated movie content of these DIR project files. The Adobe Director 11.5 software has a version for Mac platforms, while another version is intended for computers running on Microsoft Windows-based systems. Users of these operating systems can also use the Adobe Shockwave Player program to play a DIR movie. Most Web browsers developed for Microsoft Windows-based systems are also integrated with support for opening and playing the video content of a DIR file through the functionalities of the Adobe Shockwave Player program embedded into these Web browsers.
Recommended dir file download:
Adobe Director 11.5
Adobe Director 11.5
Detail dir file extension information:
File Format: Adobe Director Movie
Primary Association: Digital Video Files
Mime Type: application/x-director, application/x-directory
Relevant dir file links:
How to open dir file on YoutubeHow to open dir file on Wikipedia
How to open dir file on Microsoft.com