What is a kar file and how do I open a kar file?
A karaoke MIDI file is used by many karaoke programs and can be created by certain MIDI development applications, and MIDI keyboards may be synched or connected to computers with compatible MIDI devices to create karaoke audio data in easier and quicker ways. One specific karaoke MIDI file is integrated with encoding specifications used for files saved in the KAR format. These KAR files are classified as audio files and are affixed with the .kar extension. The Band-in-a-Box digital music development and editing software is one example of a program integrated with MIDI sequencing and authoring functionalities which use the KAR format as an optional audio data output file. The content of these KAR files may include reference data like directory locations of several MIDI audio tracks combined as a single track and metadata details associated to the audio tracks stored in the KAR file, such as song lyrics, artist name and album details among others. The Nullsoft Winamp Media Player 5.6 software can be used to play MIDI files with associated KAR files.
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Detail kar file extension information:
File Format: Karaoke MIDI File
Primary Association: MIDI Files
Mime Type: audio/mid, audio/midi, audio/x-midi, x-music/x-midi
Relevant kar file links:
How to open kar file on YoutubeHow to open kar file on Wikipedia
How to open kar file on Microsoft.com