What is a lng file and how do I open a lng file?
LNG files are mostly used by various language applications and programs but it is mainly known as Acrobat Language Plug-ins developed by the Adobe systems. These LNG plug-in files are useful when it comes to adding support for additional languages in Adobe Acrobat, a program that is used to open and edit PDF files quick and easy. LNG files contain user interface strings as well as the program menus. These files can either be in the simple text or in binary format and they can be opened using any text editor. These files are important in most programs because they store various language data. Before the file extension, there is a file name holding the language name. These files can also be opened using the Windows and MAC operating systems and may need the application Adobe Acrobat. Aside from Adobe Acrobat there are also other language applications that use LNG files for translating and localizing files into other languages.
Recommended lng file download:
Detail lng file extension information:
File Format: Language Application Support File
Primary Association: Language Defnition Files
Relevant lng file links:
How to open lng file on YoutubeHow to open lng file on Wikipedia
How to open lng file on Microsoft.com