What is a tab file and how do I open a tab file?
The TAB format is used as a GIS file of a mapping application called MapInfo. Pitney Bowes Software now develops updates for this desktop mapping software since they acquired this application from its original developer. ASCII text is implemented into the content of these TAB files. A file with the .tab extension may consist of details that can be referenced when a user views an associated spatial data file using the MapInfo application. Generally, files in the .tab format are created to store geological details of a particular location. The ESRI ArcGIS Desktop software is another program that can be used to view these TAB files, and others include the Golden Software Surfer application and the Golden Software Didger program aside from the MapInfo application and the GDAL software.
Relevant tab file links:
How to open tab file on YoutubeHow to open tab file on Wikipedia
How to open tab file on Microsoft.com