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What is a htm file and how do I open a htm file?
HTM is an abbreviation of HTML, or HyperText Markup Language. It is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. The HTML file extension is sometimes abbreviated as HTM for compatibility with older operating systems that support eight character file names with a three character extension. An HTML document can be saved with either the HTM or HTML file extension. HTM and HTML are the most common type of documents used to build static webpages. Both HTM and HTML may contain links to images, audio, video and scripts. Any browser or web editing program can open HTM files.
Mac OS
Recommended htm file download:
Microsoft Notepad
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
The unified development experience to create compelling consumer and business applications across devices and the cloud.
Any text editor
Detail htm file extension information:
File Type: htm
File Format: Hypertext Markup Language File
Primary Association: HTML Files
Mime Type: text/html
Relevant htm file links:
How to open htm file on YoutubeHow to open htm file on Wikipedia
How to open htm file on Microsoft.com