What is a dtd file and how do I open a dtd file?
Certain developer files used by applications implemented with support for encoding text content using XML-based specifications are called document type definition files, and these developer files are stored in the DTD format. These DTD files are appended with the .dtd extension and are particularly used by the SyncRO Soft oxygen XML Editor software developed for Linux systems, and another one for Microsoft Windows-based systems is the Progress Stylus Studio application. The MacroMates TextMate program can be used on the other hand by Mac users for integrating support into their systems for the DTD file format. The content of a DTD file usually includes specification settings, digital objects, layout elements, text attributes and plain text configurations associated to certain documents encoded and saved in HTML, XML, XHTML and SGML formats. Some Web browsers reference the data stored in these DTD files when users are viewing HTML or XHTML pages with associated DTD files. Verifying if the representation of a document by another file is valid can be done using the content stored in these DTD files.
Relevant dtd file links:
How to open dtd file on YoutubeHow to open dtd file on Wikipedia
How to open dtd file on Microsoft.com