What is a maff file and how do I open a maff file?
A Mozilla archive format file is classified as a compressed Web archive, and these Mozilla archive format files are created by Firefox, a Web browser developed by Mozilla. The SeaMonkey program also creates and uses these Mozilla archive format files, and this application was also developed by Mozilla. These Mozilla archive format files are integrated with compression specifications used by Mozilla to store one Web page or multiple Web pages in one file implemetned with encoding standards used for the MAFF format. These MAFF files are affixed with the .maff extension and may also contain metadata details associated to the data that the Mozilla Firefox Web browser and the SeaMonkey application need to reference to display the Web content stored in these Mozilla archive format files to an offline user. Digital video content and audio data may also be included in the data stored in these MAFF files. The MAF plug-in should be installed in order to implement support into the Mozilla Web browser for using these MAFF files.
Recommended maff file download:
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Relevant maff file links:
How to open maff file on YoutubeHow to open maff file on Wikipedia
How to open maff file on Microsoft.com