What is a sdi file and how do I open a sdi file?
Windows Embedded Studio creates files that are saved in the SDI format. SDI stands for System Deployment Image and is mostly used by Windows Embedded Studio. This is a Windows program users can use for the creation of disk images, therefore, the files it created are considered as disk image files. These are files containing part, boot and load blob and they are used mainly for the creation of RAM and boot disks to load and install Windows. SDI files can be created, edited and deployed using the SDI File Manager program of the Windows Embedded Studio since this program contains a command-line tool sdimgr that makes editing SDI files possible. The SDI format is also supported by a variety of other applications such as Fidonet, QuickBooks , Steelpac RCS, Smart Diary Suite, and Sharpdesk. Windows Internet Explorer, Windows Live Movie Maker, WinRAR are other application that can open SDI files.
Recommended sdi file download:
Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio
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Relevant sdi file links:
How to open sdi file on YoutubeHow to open sdi file on Wikipedia
How to open sdi file on Microsoft.com