What is an eps file and how do I open an eps file?
An EPS is a PostScript file (Encapsulated PostScript) that may contain 2D vector graphics, bitmap images, and text. An EPS file is a DSC-conforming PostScript document with additional restrictions which is intended to be usable as a graphics file format. EPS files are more-or-less self-contained, reasonably predictable PostScript documents that describe an image or drawing and can be placed within another PostScript document. Simply, an EPS file is a PostScript program, saved as a single file that includes a low-resolution preview "encapsulated" inside of it, allowing some programs to display a preview on the screen. Due to the different ways in which EPS previews are handled, there is no one way to identify an EPS file. EPS files are supported by several different drawing programs and vector graphic editing applications. They are often used as a standard means for transferring image data between different operating systems.
When first implemented the EPS format was only widely used on Apple Macintoshes. These computers could not directly render the PostScript, which presented Adobe with the dilemma of how to provide a preview image while also including the actual PS version for the printer. On the Mac this turned out to be simple to resolve, as the Mac file system includes two parts called forks that are logically referred to as one file. By placing the PostScript in the data fork and a standard Mac PICT resource in the resource fork, both images could be moved about together invisibly as if they were one file. While a PICT preview often contains a bitmap it may also contain a vector representation of the whole image, providing high resolution previews.
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Detail eps file extension information:
File Format: Encapsulated PostScript File
Primary Association: Vector Graphics Files
Mime Type: application/eps, application/postscript, application/x-eps, image/eps, image/x-eps
Relevant eps file links:
How to open eps file on YoutubeHow to open eps file on Wikipedia
How to open eps file on Microsoft.com