What is an ase file and how do I open an ase file?
ASE is a file used in design and graphics applications. The file stands for Adobe Swatch Exchange File and contains a collection of color swatches that publishers and illustrators use. It is also used in touch application for Android called Adobe Kuler. Released by Adobe Systems, it basically offers saved colors that can be used, shared and compared by different users in any platform. Another application that uses ASE is Alice. It is released by Carnegie Mellon University and designed as an initial exposure of a student in basic animation and video games. Alice educates students in computer programming through the use of 3D environment as a medium. Students are given total control of characters and 3D objects in a virtual world. It allows them to create everything that their minds can perceive and a freehand at exploring possibilities open to them in 3D dynamics. It is also a freeware programming language with early versions introduced java.
Relevant ase file links:
How to open ase file on YoutubeHow to open ase file on Wikipedia
How to open ase file on Microsoft.com