What is a mmp file and how do I open a mmp file?
The Symbian Project Specification File is stored in the MMP format and is affixed with MMP file extension and is used by Symbian OS development tools. These MMP files are generally classified as settings files that contain project properties or descriptions used to build the project regardless of the platform or compiler being used. Specifically these files are used by Symbian SDK's makmake or abld tools to create make files for a specific platform or target environment. They may also contain target references, compiled source code files with directories and application resources. In a Symbian method, two universal project files can be created (projectname.mmp and bld.inf), where projectname is the name of the component or application to be developed. The bld.inf file specifies the names of all the components of the project to be built, with every component specified in its own MMP file. The Nokia Symbian SDK software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and view MMP files.
Recommended mmp file download:
Nokia Symbian SDK
Detail mmp file extension information:
File Format: Symbian Project Specification File
Primary Association: Configuration Files
Relevant mmp file links:
How to open mmp file on YoutubeHow to open mmp file on Wikipedia
How to open mmp file on Microsoft.com