What is an ins file and how do I open an ins file?
The internet settings files used by Windows for the set-up of dial-ups and broadband internet connections are called INS files. INS files are categorized as settings files because they contain the information for setting up connections in order for Windows to set up access to the internet using an ISP especially when it is opened. Aside from that, INS files are also used to set up Internet Explorer (IE) LAN connection settings. Users usually receive IE connection settings files containing an INS files URL from system administrators and ISPs. But, for security purposes, Internet Explorer usually blocks INS file webpage links so that the computer won’t be able to run arbitrary scripts from a web link. So, in order to apply the connection settings, users are advised to use the IE settings dialog instead of placing the link in the Web address field. INS files can be opened with Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Recommended ins file download:
Detail ins file extension information:
File Format: Internet Settings File
Primary Association: Configuration Files
Mime Type: application/x-inspiration, application/x-internet-signup, application/x-net-install
Relevant ins file links:
How to open ins file on YoutubeHow to open ins file on Wikipedia
How to open ins file on Microsoft.com