What is an ear file and how do I open an ear file?
A Java Enterprise archive file is stored in the EAR format and is used as an executable file of a program developed using Java, particularly the Java Enterprise Edition (EE). This programming language is used to create applications that can be hosted in a Web server and accessed through supported Web browsers. Also called Web applications, an EAR file is initialized by the Web server system when a user goes to the URL where the corresponding Web app is stored, in order to display the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the Web app in the Web browser window. Files in the .ear format are just one of many other program files comprising a Java EE Web application. Apache Geronimo is a Web server system implemented with support for these Java EE Web applications, and the Oracle GlassFish Server system is also integrated with support for these .ear files and other files of a Java EE Web app. A JAR file is an executable file used by a Java Standard Edition (SE) Web application, and similar compression specifications used in a JAR file are also used in these EAR files. The Java EE Software Development Kit (SDK) can be used to create, open and view the source code stored in an .ear file and other associated files of a Java EE Web app.
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Relevant ear file links:
How to open ear file on YoutubeHow to open ear file on Wikipedia
How to open ear file on Microsoft.com