What is a wpm file and how do I open a wpm file?
The WPM extension is defined by Corel as WordPerfect Macro Miscellaneous File, which includes programmed functions using certain key combinations. The WPM file used in Corel WordPerfect stores macros data that can be utilized by the user through the application itself. Macros enable the automation of certain task using certain key combinations called "keystroke macro". The data inside the WPM file is written and stored as PerfectScript, which is the original scripting language of Corel itself. The application itself supports a simple user interface which allows the users to program a macro and embed it into the program. The data contained in the WPM file will be used to debug possible errors in the Pegasus Mail application, such as: Failure to establish connection Failure to receive message from remote mail server Error in IP address, and so on. Macro file created by WordPerfect, a word processor that is part of Corel's WordPerfect Office suite; contains scripted functions that are recorded or written in PerfectScript, Corel's scripting language.WPM files are used to automate repetitive tasks, such as inserting special characters or filling and formatting tables. They are often called "keystroke macros" because functions can be run by pressing a specific combination of keys.
Recommended wpm file download:
Corel WordPerfect Office X7
Detail wpm file extension information:
Relevant wpm file links:
How to open wpm file on YoutubeHow to open wpm file on Wikipedia
How to open wpm file on Microsoft.com