What is an ist file and how do I open an ist file?
IST files are known as InstallShield Project Template Files. They are developed by the Flexera software and categorized as developer files. These files refer to the project templates that were created using InstallShield. This is a program useful for the creation of Windows Installer (.MSI) and InstallScript-based installation packages. The IST files created by this application contain reusable templates like default settings, design elements, as well as codes. They can also include directory structures, texts, default images as well as custom scripts. Pre-formatted templates where the installation projects are based on are provided by IST files. In order to standardize installations among numerous projects, one or more templates should be created and distributed by developer teams. Either the InstallShield's Premiere or Professional editions can create IST files. Flexera InstallShield runs on a Windows operating system and it is considered the only software installer that is able to build Microsoft App-V virtual packages.
Recommended ist file download:
Flexera InstallShield
Detail ist file extension information:
File Format: InstallShield Project Template File
Primary Association: Development Files
Mime Type: chemical/x-isostar
Relevant ist file links:
How to open ist file on YoutubeHow to open ist file on Wikipedia
How to open ist file on Microsoft.com