What is a mws file and how do I open a mws file?
The MWS file extension is known as the Maple Classic Worksheet which was developed by Maplesoft. The Maple Classic Worksheet is a mathematics and modeling program. It includes text, math equations, graphs, charts, and other data saved in an interactive technical format. It is used by mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. The Classic Worksheet is available on 32-bit Windows and 32-bit Linux platforms. It possesses the traditional Maple worksheet look and uses less memory. The newer version is the Standard Worksheet which includes a full featured interface. To access the Classic Worksheet in Windows application, go to the Start Menu then “All Programs” click on “Maple” then Classic Worksheet Maple. Maple 9 and later saves worksheets in a new XML-based format with an .MW file extension. As of today, the classic worksheet is now a basic worksheet environment for older computers with limited memory since it didn’t upgrade to 64 bit. Files in MWS format can be opened with Maplesoft Maple in Mac platforms.
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Maplesoft Maple
Maplesoft Maple
Maplesoft Maple
Detail mws file extension information:
File Format: Maple Classic Worksheet
Primary Association: Document Files
Mime Type: application/x-maple
Relevant mws file links:
How to open mws file on YoutubeHow to open mws file on Wikipedia
How to open mws file on Microsoft.com