What is a sdw file and how do I open a sdw file?
The StarOffice Writer program, particularly version 5.0 as well as older versions, can be used to create, open and edit files with the .sdw extension. This application is included in the set of programs bundled as StarOffice suite, and Sun Microsystems developed these applications. The Openoffice.org Writer software as well as the Apache Open Office application are also used by many Linux users to open and modify these text documents in the SDW format. StarOffice Writer also has versions for both Mac and Microsoft Windows-based systems, so users can install this application to create, view and edit SDW files. Since this application has different versions for all widely used operating systems, this means users can effectively collaborate and share with their co-workers and peers their SDW files without any compatibility issues, provided they have the correct StarOffice Writer application version installed in their computer systems.
Recommended sdw file download:
Apache OpenOffice
Apache Open Office
Detail sdw file extension information:
File Format: StarOffice Writer Text Document
Primary Association: Document Files
Mime Type: application/sdw, application/soffice, application/vnd.stardivision.writer, application/x-amidraw, application/x-sdw, application/x-soffice, application/x-staroffice, application/x-swriter, image/sdw, image/x-amidraw, image/x-lotusamidraw, image/x-sdw
Relevant sdw file links:
How to open sdw file on YoutubeHow to open sdw file on Wikipedia
How to open sdw file on Microsoft.com