What is a reb file and how do I open a reb file?
The REBOL Script File is stored in the REB format and is affixed with the REB extension, and is used by REBOL (Relative Expression Based Object Language) programming language. These REB files are generally classified as developer files that contain code written REBOL script which can be compiled into an executable program using a REBOL compiler. Technically, these files begin with a header that identifies its contents, file name, author, date, version, script name, history, and a variety of other optional fields. The REB extension is an alternative extension used if the R extension is already used by another application. The REBOL program is used by Internet communications and any other field that utilizes programming language. It has forty five datatypes and fourteen built-in standard protocols. The REBOL/View, REBOL/Core and REBOL/SDK software can be used in Mac Operating systems, Linux, and Microsoft Windows based systems to access and read REB files.
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Relevant reb file links:
How to open reb file on YoutubeHow to open reb file on Wikipedia
How to open reb file on Microsoft.com