What is a spl file and how do I open a spl file?
Printing files in Microsoft Windows generates a couple of spool files; one that’s containing the SHD extension and one that contains the SPL extension. The SHD contains the settings while the SPL contains the commands for printer’s drawing. SPL files is usually used when submitting a print job and the print data they contain are spooled, meaning they contain contents related to digital documents and these are the data sent to the printer to start the printing task. The data saved by these SPL files are in the format used in raw printers which means SPL files can be RAW files, meaning they may contain similar data to that of the data sent for printing such as CaPSL, PCL, etc. Since these files serve as temporary storage for print job data, when the job is completed, they are emptied and saved to C:WindowsSystem32spoolPRINTERS as soon as they are submitted. SPL files are not the only files saved by Windows in that exact directory. It also saves SHD files to it by which these files allow the resubmission of print job in case of interruptions.
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Detail spl file extension information:
File Format: Windows Print Spool File
Primary Association: System Files
Mime Type: application/futuresplash
Relevant spl file links:
How to open spl file on YoutubeHow to open spl file on Wikipedia
How to open spl file on Microsoft.com