What is a tlb file and how do I open a tlb file?
Files in the .tlb format are integrated with support for OLE technology. OLE or Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding is technology developed by Microsoft Corporation. User interface data is stored in these TLB files and are referenced by programs with OLE support when required. Visual Basic creates files in the .tlb format in instances where the developer selects "Remote Server Support File" in Visual Basic. These TLB files are also created if an ActiveX server or if an OLE server has been developed. Applications that can be used to open and view the content of these TLB files include Microsoft Excel 2010, and non-Microsoft Windows users can also open and view these TLB files using Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac systems. Some users reported the stdole3.tlb file as a TLB file with malicious code that has Trojan virus functionality, so users are advised to leave this file alone and immediately do a system scan using an effective anti-virus application. Once this has been done and the anti-virus application has quarantined or healed the Microsoft Windows system, users are also advised to run a scan using an effective Microsoft System Registry cleaner software, since most Trojan viruses enter unnecessary entries into the Microsoft System Registry that cannot be removed by most anti-virus programs.
Recommended tlb file download:
Microsoft Excel 2013
Microsoft Excel 2011
Detail tlb file extension information:
File Format: OLE Type Library
Primary Association: Multiple Use Files
Mime Type: vms/tlb
Relevant tlb file links:
How to open tlb file on YoutubeHow to open tlb file on Wikipedia
How to open tlb file on Microsoft.com