What is a tld file and how do I open a tld file?
TLD files are Tag Library Descriptor Files mainly used in Java Server Page development projects. Descriptor files such as the TLD files refer to an XML document containing data about a whole library as well as about the tags the library contains. Web containers normally use TLD files for the validation of tags as well as in JSP page development tools. Since TLD files contain tag descriptions, it makes it easy for Tag Library Descriptor Files to be identified especially if they are written in the Java programming language. Usually, custom tag libraries have class handlers but the function of TLD files is to describe these tags. Java-based Web applications usually include both the tag libraries and the tag descriptors or the TLD files. TLD files are located in /web-inf/ directory wherein these files are used to declare tag files in a certain tag library. They do this using a tag file element containing the display name, the description, the tag name, the icon, the path of the tag file, examples of tags used, etc.
Recommended tld file download:
Detail tld file extension information:
File Format: Tag Library Descriptor File
Primary Association: Development Files
Mime Type: Application/x-trellix, text/xml
Relevant tld file links:
How to open tld file on YoutubeHow to open tld file on Wikipedia
How to open tld file on Microsoft.com