What is a cct file and how do I open a cct file?
Adobe Systems developed the CCT format for storing content in files used by one of its applications as cast resource reference data. This Adobe Systems application that uses these CCT files is the Adobe Director software, particularly version 11.5 of this program. The Adobe Director 11.5 software was developed as multimedia authoring software that can encode CCT files using protective specifications. With these encryption standards, third party users without the right privileges cannot access and edit the content of these CCT files and the associated Adobe Director project. Users with Microsoft Windows-based systems can install the Adobe Director 11.5 software to create projects and use the support implemented by this software upon successful installation to enter data in associated CCT files. Mac users can also use and create Adobe Director projects with associated CCT files by installing the version of this application developed by Adobe Systems for Mac platforms. Through the CCT format, elements that can be added to an Adobe Director 11.5 movie project can also be entered in multiple movie projects without any issues.
Relevant cct file links:
How to open cct file on YoutubeHow to open cct file on Wikipedia
How to open cct file on Microsoft.com