What is a des file and how do I open a des file?
Corel designer files are stored in the DES format and are appended with the .des extension. These DES files are classified as 3D image files, which are mainly used by programs developed for creating, editing and displaying graphical content, and these 3D images can also be embedded unto word documents and presentations. The content of these DES files includes 3D technical illustrations, graphical objects and other visual elements created and entered into these DES files by its authors. THe Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite X5 application can be used in Microsoft Windows to create, open and edit the content of these DES files. This software was developed by Corel as a program for developing 3D technical image designs and graphical illustrations. The 3D objects that can be included in a DES project output file may include images or illustrations of device components that comprise a larger assembly design. The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 software is also integrated with support for creating, opening and editing these DES files in Microsoft Windows-based systems.
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Relevant des file links:
How to open des file on YoutubeHow to open des file on Wikipedia
How to open des file on Microsoft.com