What is a dna file and how do I open a dna file?
CA backup and migration backup files can be created using the CA Backup and Migration software from Computer Associates. These files are saved using this application in the DNA format and are appended with the .dna extension. Classified as backup files, the content of a file in the DNA format includes the settings of hardware and software components of a computer. The CA Backup and Migration program can also be used by Microsoft Windows users to open these DNA files. When opened, this software automatically migrates the settings and configurations stored in the DNA file to the system of the computer. Users of computers running on Microsoft Windows-based systems can also install and use the CA Desktop DNA Migrator, also developed by Computer Associates, to create, open and edit the content of a DNA file. The data in these DNA files may also include network configurations like administrator usernames and passwords and user or guest account credentials, and authors of DNA files can enter folders containing files like images and audio content as well as address and phone book data in a DNA file using these applications in Microsoft Windows systems. A DNA file is also integrated with automatic self-extracting functionalities.
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Relevant dna file links:
How to open dna file on YoutubeHow to open dna file on Wikipedia
How to open dna file on Microsoft.com