What is a tmp file and how do I open a tmp file?
TMP, or temporary files are created to temporarily contain information while a new file is being made. The TMP file type is primarily associated with Temporary File/Folder and is used for a wide variety of tasks. After these files have served the purpose for which they were created, they are usually deleted.
There is software that create temporary files and then leave them behind without deleting them. This can happen due to the program crashing or the developer of the program simply forgot to add the code needed to delete temporary files after the software is done with them. Temporary files left behind can accumulate over time and consume large quantities of disk space. Manual deletion of temporary files is possible. Operating systems can delete the temporary directory on a reboot, and they may have "cleaner" scripts that remove files if they have not been accessed for a long duration.
Relevant tmp file links:
How to open tmp file on YoutubeHow to open tmp file on Wikipedia
How to open tmp file on Microsoft.com