What is a lrs file and how do I open a lrs file?
To generate an e-book used by the Sony Portable Reader, LRS files are necessary. These are files known as Librie Reader Source Files because they contain source information that are needed for the creation of a Sony "BroadBand eBook". Saved in binary format, LRS files contain descriptions of the contents and properties of an e-book. These LRS files are also useful for generating LRF files which are also supported by a Sony Portable Reader as well as they are also used to generate LRS files from LRF files. Opening LRS files is possible for multiple platforms such as Linux, Windows and MAC using the Calibre software but these files can also be opened through BookDesigner application, an exclusive Windows program used for the conversion of different contents of texts to several e-book formats. There are also other applications used to open LRS files such as Makelrf and Canon Book Creator.
Relevant lrs file links:
How to open lrs file on YoutubeHow to open lrs file on Wikipedia
How to open lrs file on Microsoft.com