What is a mobi file and how do I open a mobi file?
The Mobipocket eBook is stored in the MOBI format and is affixed with MOBI file extension and is used by Mobipocket. These MOBI files are generally classified as data files that contain digital e-book based on the Open eBook standard in XHTML format inclusive of JavaScript, text, images, and frames. MOBI files may also have a PRC file extension and may either be DRM protected or non DRM format. PRC files are specifically used by PalmOS system or Palm Pilot PDA devices. These reflowable files can be read by using the Mobipocket Reader installed in the PDA which allows readers to put highlights, bookmarks, corrections, notes and drawings in any part of the book. This reader in a full screen mode includes electronic bookmarks, full text search ability, and built in dictionary. The Mobipocket eBook format was already discontinued in January 2012. The Calibre and Geometer Plus FBReader software can be used in Mac OS, Linux and Microsoft Windows based systems to access and view MOBI files.
Relevant mobi file links:
How to open mobi file on YoutubeHow to open mobi file on Wikipedia
How to open mobi file on Microsoft.com