What is a lyt file and how do I open a lyt file?
The LYT file extension is used for an Xcalibur Layout File Developed by Thermo Scientific. Xcalibur Software is a Windows based system that uses data analysis and instrument control for the whole family system of mass spectrometers and other related instruments created by Thermo Scientific. The extensive range of Xclibur’s ability and functionality that integrate third party control includes tools which perform a multiple range of applications. Several applications with specific modules of software were designed to work easily with Xcalibur specifically devoted to the needs of every user. Among its features include instrument acquisition, reporting, data processing and setup; easy to use interface that enables efficient data processing, delivery of results and quick data processing; Quick view of results with Quan, Qual and Library Browsers. Xcalibur Layout file is categorized as setting files which are used by the applications and operating system. They are basically used for modification purpose only and not readily available for users.
Recommended lyt file download:
Thermo Scientific Xcalibur
Detail lyt file extension information:
Relevant lyt file links:
How to open lyt file on YoutubeHow to open lyt file on Wikipedia
How to open lyt file on Microsoft.com