What is a sed file and how do I open a sed file?
Files with the .sed extension are files created using the IExpress Wizard. SED files are known as IExpress Self Extraction Directive Files and they are useful when it comes to building software installation packages using the IExpress wizard, since this built-in application is what is used to create Windows installers. This built-in application makes the setup program creation simple. The creation of self extracting files used to run these setup programs is possible with this application and SED files play a big part in this process. SED files are known to contain all the files needed to build software installation package such as the filename, popup messages, etc. and these are all important files that play a big part in the installation process. SED files are also important in the creation of software distributions. The IExpress wizard creating SED files can be found in the C:WindowsSystem32directory. SED files can be accessed using the Microsoft IExpress Wizard.
Recommended sed file download:
Microsoft IExpress Wizard
Detail sed file extension information:
File Format: IExpress Self Extraction Directive File
Primary Association: Configuration Files
Relevant sed file links:
How to open sed file on YoutubeHow to open sed file on Wikipedia
How to open sed file on Microsoft.com