What is a contact file and how do I open a contact file?
Files appended with the .contact extension are also called Windows Contacts files, and these files are generally classified as data files. CONTACT files are used by the Windows Contacts application that was developed by Microsoft, which also developed the CONTACT file format. The Microsoft Windows Contacts software is classified as a contact management application that is built into Microsoft Windows-based systems, particularly Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Vista. The content of these CONTACT files include details entered by a user with the Microsoft Windows Contacts software for a contact included in the file. These details saved by a user in a .contact file consist of the names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers among other info about the person or organization associated to the contact list entry. These CONTACT files may also contain images or photos of the person or the logo of the institution. Users of Microsoft Windows-based systems can install the Microsoft Windows Live Mail software and the Microsoft Windows Mail program to implement support for these CONTACT files and to also integrate email management features into their systems. Icons used for these .contact files are the photos or digital images associated and stored by the creator of the corresponding CONTACT files.
Relevant contact file links:
How to open contact file on YoutubeHow to open contact file on Wikipedia
How to open contact file on Microsoft.com