What is a wmc file and how do I open a wmc file?
In the early 1990s, the file extension WMC was the format implemented by the de facto word processor at that time, in which this word processor was later on replaced by Microsoft Word. The WMC file extension initially runs on minicomputers such as the Prime and Digital Equipment Corporation VAX, with a 32-bit computing architecture. It includes Document assembly process, where advanced features therein maintains each chapter of a particular article or book in separate files, and combines them for printing, simultaneously creating a table of contents or index. It offers multi-level equations, endnotes, footnotes, automatic paragraph numbering, scientific characters and Support for mixed fonts. When the IBM PC became widely known for word processing, the file extension WMC enabled its users to easily transfer their documents to and from PCs and their minicomputers. WMC stands for WordMARC Text format, a word processing format that was developed by MARC Software thru the MARC Analysis Research. Before, it was called MUSE (MARC Universal Screen Editor), but was renamed in respect to the trademark of the company. In the newer version of files with .wmc extension, the WordPerfect version 5.0 has new styles and style libraries, with improvements in its flexibility and power in formatting documents.
Recommended wmc file download:
Corel WordPerfect Office X7
Detail wmc file extension information:
Relevant wmc file links:
How to open wmc file on YoutubeHow to open wmc file on Wikipedia
How to open wmc file on Microsoft.com