What is a fm file and how do I open a fm file?
An FM file is a publishing or page authoring document created with Adobe FrameMaker. It uses XML for creating the document structure. Framemaker can be used to publish documents for print or the Web and is available on Windows and Unix platforms. Adobe Framemaker is a reliable tool for book and document authoring. It has support for both structured and unstructured approaches. It supports two primary formats, FM and MIF.
Framemaker may also be used to create, edit, and publish technical content with powerful features for automatic numbering, cross-references, tables of contents, indexes, books, and more. Users can automate formatting with templates as well as, integrate tables, graphics, and images. Framemaker is fully WYSIWYG within a document. Adobe Framemaker was created specifically to handle books and features a book file that can collect multiple documents, and manage them as a set of books. It also supports TOC, Indexing and many features associated with complex volumes. Framemaker has a conditional output mode which lets a single book support customization in how the output is produced. Starting with version 8 of the software Unicode is fully supported.
Recommended fm file download:
Adobe FrameMaker 11
Detail fm file extension information:
File Format: FrameMaker Document
Primary Association: Page Layout Files
Mime Type: application/filemaker_pro, application/framemaker, application/maker, application/vnd.framemaker, application/x-framemaker, application/x-maker
Relevant fm file links:
How to open fm file on YoutubeHow to open fm file on Wikipedia
How to open fm file on Microsoft.com