What is a mml file and how do I open a mml file?
The FrameMaker Maker Markup Language File is stored in the MML format and is affixed with MML extension and is used by Adobe FrameMaker. These MML files are generally classified as page layout files that contain formatting instructions for page layout, graphics, text, and other page properties. MML stands for Maker Markup Language, which can be created using any standard text editor and opened as FrameMaker document or template. In more technical terms, structurally these files contain MML statements and document text in standard ASCII text ?le. MML files that create FrameMaker documents are used for specifying document content and format. More complex MML would define formatting and layout speci?cations in the MML ?le. As a conversion tool, MML allows natural sequence in document output while MIF requires special sequence and extensive filter process. The Adobe FrameMaker 10 software can be used in Mac operating systems and in Microsoft Windows to access and view MML files.
Recommended mml file download:
Adobe FrameMaker 11
Adobe FrameMaker 11
Detail mml file extension information:
File Format: FrameMaker Maker Markup Language File
Primary Association: Page Layout Files
Mime Type: application/mathml+xml, chemical/x-molmol, text/mathml, text/mathml-techexplorer, text/plain
Relevant mml file links:
How to open mml file on YoutubeHow to open mml file on Wikipedia
How to open mml file on Microsoft.com