What is a hog file and how do I open a hog file?
Mission parameters and other pieces of game-related data about the activities and results gained by a player of the Descent 2 video game are stored in these Descent mission files. The Descent 2 program locates the corresponding Descent mission file to reference the data stored in the file. The software then displays the mission parameters and also initializes other associated game files required by Descent 2 to provide the player with its integrated set of features for the associated stage or level of the game. A Descent Mission File is encoded with specifications developed for the Descent 2 video game, and these Descent mission files are saved in the HOG format and are affixed with the .hog extension. Interplay developed the HOG format standards and the Descent 2 video game. There are versions of the Descent 2 software that can be installed in computers running on Microsoft Windows-based systems or Mac platforms. These Descent mission files are used as developer files of the Descent 2 software, so the content of these .hog files should not be tampered with.
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Relevant hog file links:
How to open hog file on YoutubeHow to open hog file on Wikipedia
How to open hog file on Microsoft.com