What is a lha file and how do I open a lha file?
An LHARC compressed archive file is integrated with compression specifications used in the LHA file format. These compression specifications are implemented by the LHARC compression algorithm, and encoding standards used for these LHA files affix these compressed files with the .lha extension. A file can be compressed using LHARC compression specifications to reduce the size of the file, and a group of files can also be compressed and saved as one LHA file using this compression algorithm. Amiga computers were implemented support for the LHARC compression algorithm and the LHA format, and a wide variety of video games developed for Amiga machines used the LHA file format and the LHARC compression specifications. An LHA file was used by these old video games for the distribution packages of the software products. The Doom video game program is an example of a video game application designed with compatibility support for Amiga computers that used LHA files. Some software products in Japan still use the LHARC file compression algorithm and the LHA file format.
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Detail lha file extension information:
File Format: LHARC Compressed Archive
Primary Association: Compressed Files
Mime Type: application/lha, application/maclha, application/octet-stream, application/x-compress, application/x-compressed, application/x-lha
Relevant lha file links:
How to open lha file on YoutubeHow to open lha file on Wikipedia
How to open lha file on Microsoft.com