What is a pet file and how do I open a pet file?
The application package developed by Barry Kauler for PuppyLinux is known as a PET file since they are known as Puppy Linux Install Packages and categorized as compressed files. These PET files are saved in a format known as "tarball" compressed archive by which in the end, an md5sum checksum is appended. The PET file extension actually stands for "Puppy's Extra Treats" and it is used by Puppy Linux 2.14 as well as its later versions as a unified package system. A PETget utility can open PET files as well as any TGZ file extractor and when these files are extracted, the directory structure of the package is projected onto the Linux file system’s root level. PET files are also called pets and act as replacements for the .PUP files used by older Puppy Linux versions. In case there are .PUP files to be opened, they can be converted into PET files if the pup2pet program is used.
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Relevant pet file links:
How to open pet file on YoutubeHow to open pet file on Wikipedia
How to open pet file on Microsoft.com