What is an oeb file and how do I open an oeb file?
The OEB file extension is known as Outlook Express Backup Wizard File which was developed by QSX. It is a file format for backup of an outlook express e-mail database. It creates a complete backup of all Outlook Express files that includes accounts, identities, e-mail messages, attachments, address books, message rules, list of blocked senders, identities, and signatures. They also provide security to the user security in case viruses, software failures or power outages cause database crash. This is because the wizard restores the database using the backup files and store them in a reliable media like CDR. They also help in moving the Outlook express data in between computers. They can also backup Internet explorer bookmarks and any files manually selected except folders. They can be accessed even if the computer is not connected to the internet. Backup files undergo automatic ZIP compression and password protected. Files in OEB format can be opened with QSX Outlook Express Backup Wizard in Microsoft Windows platforms.
Recommended oeb file download:
QSX Outlook Express Backup Wizard
Detail oeb file extension information:
File Format: Outlook Express Backup Wizard File
Primary Association: Backup Files
Mime Type: text/x-oeb1-document
Relevant oeb file links:
How to open oeb file on YoutubeHow to open oeb file on Wikipedia
How to open oeb file on Microsoft.com