What is a pln file and how do I open a pln file?
A PLN is a project file that contains a 3D model created with ArchiCAD architectural design software. It is used by architects to design building structures, interiors, exteriors and landscapes, using the Archicad Virtual Building technology to simulate the way a real building is constructed. ArchiCAD which is a CAD (computer aided design) software package is utilized for BIM (Building Information Modeling). GraphiSoft is a Hungarian company established in the year 1982 which had first designed the ArchiCAD software for Apple Macintosh systems and became the first CAD software ever designed specifically for a personal computer. It supported 2D drawings and all the designs were stored in the .pln file extension format.
Virtual Building concept was built into the ArchiCAD software which helped architects to generate and manage the data related to the structure’s life cycle. It was used to create designs, interiors, exteriors and complete landscapes for a structure using BIM technology. The designs created using this modeling type were also stored in the .pln file extension format. The new version of ArchiCAD supported both 2D and 3D images to be created on the screen and ArchiCAD was the first to implement the 3D concept into their software.
Relevant pln file links:
How to open pln file on YoutubeHow to open pln file on Wikipedia
How to open pln file on Microsoft.com