What is a stl file and how do I open a stl file?
A stereolithography file is generally classified as a CAD file used as the standard stereolithography design format, in which stereolithography is known as technology developed for rapid prototyping processes implemented for the production and development of digital 3D components of a CAD project. The content of these stereolithography files may consist of digital 3D design objects deployed as elements of a master model CAD project for the creation of multiple design prototype options. These stereolithography files are developed for storing CAD files in a standardized format integrated with specifications which allow the data to be read and interpreted by many CAD programs. These stereolithography files are integrated with CAD data compilation specifications used for the STL file format, and certain encoding standards are also implemented into the content of these stereolithography files for storing it in the STL file format. These stereolithography files are affixed with the .stl extension and can be opened and edited using the Dassault Systemes CATIA software among other CAD programs.
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Detail stl file extension information:
File Format: Stereolithography File
Primary Association: CAD Files
Mime Type: application/sla, application/vnd.ms-pki.stl, application/vnd.ms-pkistl
Relevant stl file links:
How to open stl file on YoutubeHow to open stl file on Wikipedia
How to open stl file on Microsoft.com