What is a sab file and how do I open a sab file?
Files that refer to the 3D models used by 3D ACIS and files that are said to be saved in the Standard ACIS Binary Format. The information saved as SAB files are all related to 3D geometry and structure and is greatly used for the exchange in model information from one program to another. The information saved in the SAB format is mainly for a manufactured component. SAB files can be saved in text format which use the .sat file extension, although they are originally saved in binary format. SAB files are mainly used by3D ACIS, a popular program commonly used by many software developers to create models. The program allows users to create applications that are packed with amazing features, as the program is known to have solid functionality, etc. Applications that support this file format and can be used to open these files are Spatial 3D ACIS Modeler, Adobe Acrobat X, and a lot more.
Relevant sab file links:
How to open sab file on YoutubeHow to open sab file on Wikipedia
How to open sab file on Microsoft.com