What is a bbp file and how do I open a bbp file?
A Bézier Surface file is implemented into many applications that were developed with an integrated set of functionalities used for the creation of designs and schematics in many different industries and applications. These programs are generally classified as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications. The content of a Bézier Surface file includes associated definitions of control points that are integrated as mathematical splines into a CAD project. A 4-vertex restriction and a 6-degree limit are integrated into the mathematical splines stored as the content of these Bézier Surface files. These Bézier Surface files are implemented with ANSI binary and XML-based formatting specifications that are used to store its content in the BBP file format. These Bézier Surface files are appended with the .bbp extension.
Relevant bbp file links:
How to open bbp file on YoutubeHow to open bbp file on Wikipedia
How to open bbp file on Microsoft.com