What is a sea file and how do I open a sea file?
Compressed files known as Self-Extracting Archive because SEA files are known to uncompress when users try to open it. SEA files are mainly used by StuffIt SEA Maker, an application that belongs to the Stuffit Deluxe for Mac OS X. Other MAC utilities such as Compact Pro or the Disk Doubler can also be used to create these files. SEA files can naturally decompress itself when opened and the need for supporting applications such as StuffIt Expander may be unnecessary but that is only when the operating system used is not MAC OS X. Opening SEA files in MAC OS X may be a problem especially if the SEA files to open were created using MAC OS 9 or any earlier version of MAC OS, as these files may not be able to decompress itself without using StuffIt Expander or Disk Doubler. Changing the SEA file extension to SIT may also help just in case SEA files cannot be opened even in the Windows OS.
Recommended sea file download:
Smith Micro StuffIt Deluxe 2010
Detail sea file extension information:
Relevant sea file links:
How to open sea file on YoutubeHow to open sea file on Wikipedia
How to open sea file on Microsoft.com