What is a rat file and how do I open a rat file?
The Rating files that are used for PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection) Web rating system implementations are known as RAT files. RAT file extension was developed by W3C as well as the PICS program which is used for performing content-based website ratings. RAT files are usually saved in a plain text format which is why they can be edited and opened with the use of any text editor. They contain category specifications especially for explicit material rating like violence, language and sexual material. RAT files contribute a lot for the installation of rating systems on computers which is why computers have the ability to block user access to websites with explicit material or material that fails the PICS criteria. The Microsoft Content Advisor uses these RAT files even if it is not widely supported nowadays already. This content advisor is a great tool used to control the types of content that can be accessed by the computer through the internet.
Recommended rat file download:
Detail rat file extension information:
File Format: PICS Rating File
Primary Association: Partially Downloaded Files
Mime Type: application/rat-file
Relevant rat file links:
How to open rat file on YoutubeHow to open rat file on Wikipedia
How to open rat file on Microsoft.com