What is an aa file and how do I open an aa file?
The AA file extension is a data file format associated to Audible Audio Book, a spoken audio recording of Audible. The AA file extension and Audible Audio Book were developed by Audible. These files contain the digital audio clips of the audiobooks with Digital Rights Management encryption. The Audible Download Manager is in charge of downloading the AA files to the computer. AA file format are supported by several devices like Apple’s iPods, Microsoft Zune, Creative Zen, Amazon Kindle and other. These files can be converted to MP3, WMA or MPEG format to ensure compatibility and portability with other devices. AA files can also be stored in a Compact Disc in case there is a need to remove it from the hard drive. Files in AA format can be opened with Apple iTunes in Mac Operating systems and with Audible AudibleManager, Nero 11, RapidSolution Tunebite 9, SoundTaxi Media Suite and TuneCab in Microsoft Windows-based systems.
Recommended aa file download:
Apple iTunes
Detail aa file extension information:
File Format: Audible Audio Book File
Primary Association: Audio Files
Mime Type: audio/audible, audio/x-pn-audibleaudio
Relevant aa file links:
How to open aa file on YoutubeHow to open aa file on Wikipedia
How to open aa file on Microsoft.com