What is an aif file and how do I open an aif file?
The audio interchange file format was developed by Apple as an audio file format that can store digital audio content using particular audio data compression specifications, and these specifications are based on similar audio data compression standards that are implemented into digital audio content encoded with Interchange File Format technology from Electronic Arts. Specifically, PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) audio content processing and formatting specifications are also integrated into the digital audio content stored in the audio interchange file format. This improves the overall sound quality of the audio data that is saved in the audio interchange file format. This is primarily because PCM processing and formatting can be integrated into audio data saved in the audio interchange file format to implement uncompressed sound quality similar to the overall sound quality of WAV files. Audio data encoding specifications that are proprietary to Apple are integrated into the content of an audio file that is compressed and saved in the audio interchange file format, making it possible to store these audio files in the AIFF format. These audio files are affixed with the .aiff extension, which are uncompressed versions of audio files appended with the .aifc extension.
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Detail aif file extension information:
File Format: Audio Interchange File Format
Primary Association: Audio Files
Mime Type: audio/aiff, audio/rmf, audio/vnd.qcelp, audio/x-aiff, audio/x-gsm, audio/x-midi, audio/x-pn-aiff, audio/x-rmf, sound/aiff
Relevant aif file links:
How to open aif file on YoutubeHow to open aif file on Wikipedia
How to open aif file on Microsoft.com