What is an adts file and how do I open an adts file?
The ADTS file extension is a data format associated to Audio Data Transport Stream, a streaming format for storage and transporting audio object. These files contain a fixed header, variable header and an error check which makes up the series of frames. Fixed header layout includes syntax like syncword, ID, layer, protection absent, profile, etc. Variable header layout includes copyright identification data, frame length, number of raw data, etc. They are often used for streaming AAC files on the Internet. Each frame includes a header followed by the AAC data. AAC format is used by iTunes Music Store YouTube, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nintendo DSi, PlayStation Portable, and many others. This format is considered as a successor of MP3 with better sound quality. Files in ADTS format can be opened with ShedWorx Smart Converter, VideoLAN VLC media player, and Microsoft Windows Media Player in Mac Os, Microsoft Windows-based systems and Linux platforms.
Recommended adts file download:
VideoLAN VLC media player
Detail adts file extension information:
Relevant adts file links:
How to open adts file on YoutubeHow to open adts file on Wikipedia
How to open adts file on Microsoft.com