What is a dss file and how do I open a dss file?
The digital speech standard file format is used by speech recognition applications and digital voice recording programs, and these data files contain recorded voice data of the user. These digital speech standard files are then saved in the DSS format, and some speech recognition applications associate or link each DSP file to the corresponding voice profile created by the user. Extensive compression specifications are implemented into these DSS files, which are affixed with the .dss extension. The "Overwrite" mode and the "Insert" mode are options available in some speech recognition applications, and any of these options can be selected by the user to edit the data stored in a DSS file associated to his or her voice profile. The DSS file format and supported applications are mostly used for legal and medical transcription purposes. The content of these DSS files, aside from the recorded voice data of a user, may also include details like date and time stamps of the voice recording session, along with the length (in minutes) and size (in Kb or Mb) of the DSS file. The IBM ViaVoice software is a speech recognition program that can allow users to access the functionalities of a Microsoft Windows system, Mac platforms and other applications installed in these operating systems with their voice, and this program is implemented with support for these DSS files.
Recommended dss file download:
Detail dss file extension information:
File Format: Digital Speech Standard File
Primary Association: Audio Files
Mime Type: application/octet-stream
Relevant dss file links:
How to open dss file on YoutubeHow to open dss file on Wikipedia
How to open dss file on Microsoft.com