What is an at3 file and how do I open an at3 file?
The AT3 file extension is a data format associated to Sony's Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding 3.AT3 files and Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding 3 were developed by Sony. These files are small audio files that are used by gamers to store music and other audio files on their PlayStation memory sticks, Sony CD and MP3 players and Sony Ericsson mobile phones. They may also use the file extensions of AA3 or OMG. AA3 format has been discontinued while OMG format is used to prevent files from being illegally copied. OMG files include the digital rights management, a copyright protection system of electronic media. Technically, it uses 132kbps Bitrate, 3.97MB data size, and saves about 176tracks into CD-R .MP3 files can be converted to AT3 files. Files in AT3 format can be opened with Sony SonicStage, Sony Sound Forge Pro 10, Sony ACID Pro 7, and Sony Vegas Pro 11 with ATRAC plugin in Microsoft Windows based systems.
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Relevant at3 file links:
How to open at3 file on YoutubeHow to open at3 file on Wikipedia
How to open at3 file on Microsoft.com